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Choosing the right shoe care valet for you


Are you looking for a suitable shoe shine box for yourself or as a gift?In this guide, we try to make that choice a little easier. And don't worry.Which shoe shine box you choose, at The Shoe Care Shop you buy quality. From shoe polish brushes made with natural horse hair to Saphir care products. You get the best for your shoes. We divide our shoeshine boxes into three categories: Beginner / entry-level, advanced / mid-range and Luxury / expert shoeshine sets. If you are new to shoe shine, this does not mean that you cannot use a shoe shine box for advanced users, but we try to adjust the number of products in the box to the type of user. The more products in a shoe care kit, the more confusion it can cause if one is not familiar with the products or the shoe care process. You can always add products to your shoeshine arsenal later.

Shoeshine valets

Entry model / Beginners

Maybe you're new to shoe shine or maybe you just want to take good care of your shoes without any additional fuss. In this case, choose one of our basic shoe shine valets containing only what you really need. Our shoe care valet Saphir (available in cherry wood, walnut o rroot wood) or high-gloss shoe polish box are extremely suitable.This way you are provided with everything you need to take good care of your shoes and you still have plenty of room to expand your shoe care set later with other colors or types of shoe care products.

Do you want to take more than just good care of your shoes? Then look further at our shoe shine boxes for advanced users and luxury shoe shine boxes.


Shoe care guides

Do you want more information on how to take proper care of your shoes? Then be sure to have a browse through our extensive library of shoe care guides. We have full written guides for smooth leather shoes, guides for suede shoes, guides for sneakers and many others.

Shoe care valets

Intermediate / advanced

Are you already familiar with shoe shine and would you like a box + shoe shine set that fits? Then take a look at our Saphir deluxe shoe shine boxes . These boxes contain several colors of shoe cream and shoe wax. Handy if you have many different colors of shoes in your closet. In addition, we have added Renovateur leather conditioner from Saphir to these boxes. A must have for a complete shoe shine routine. You also have the option to expand your shoeshine set with a Saphir Médaille d'Or suede set . This way you also take good care of all your suede shoes.

Would you like everything for your shoes in one box? Then take a look at our selection of expert / luxury shoeshine boxes.

Shoe shine valets

Luxury / for experts

Are you a real shoe enthusiast and do you want to be prepared for all situations? Then take a look at our luxury shoe shine boxes segment. These shoe shine boxes are equipped with multiple colors of shoe cream and shoe wax so that you can treat practically all colors of shoes. In addition, our luxury segment shoeshine boxes contain products for your suede shoes. The sets in our shoe care boxes have been put together with care so that you only get the very best for your shoes.

Because these boxes are so richly equipped, it is useful to already have some shoeshine knowledge so that you know what the products are for.

Shoe care valets

Without shoe shine set

Do you already have an extensive shoe polish set, but do you keep it in an old shoe box? Then switch to a luxury shoe shine box. We also have (almost) all our shoe cleaning boxes available without a shoe cleaning set.


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